This week, I was editing my book chapter entitled “Our Shared Wisdom,” where I relay nuggets of wisdom conveyed by the interviewees from my research on midlife women. Amidst all of their wonderful insights, one particular piece of advice lingered with me for days afterwards: “Stay the course.” The…
Embracing Resistances to Growth
Why do so many of us have resistance to things we know deep down are good for us? Why is it so hard, for example, to eat less sugar, wind down those unfulfilling relationships, or speak up when we feel strongly about something? Desire for comfort is an…
To “See” and “To be Seen”
In the Middle
When was the last time you felt really “seen?” When you felt recognized and known by another? I’m asking because just last night I had this very experience at my monthly women’s group, and it is still reverberating in my body. It came about because…
Lessons from Pumpkin Carving
Early last week, I got a text from my friend Kris inviting the tribe over for a Happy Hour Pumpkin Carving Party. I was thrilled! I love Kris, I adore our tribe and I seldom say no to happy hour. But the pumpkin carving part?…
Embrace Connecting Not Impressing
I was driving my dog to her acupuncture appointment yesterday (can’t make that s#!t up), while listening to a summit talk entitled Mindfulness and Compassion in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression, when this line jumped out at me: “Think about connecting not impressing.” The…
Embracing Your Heart’s Yearnings…. Before it’s too late
Four years ago, my now 20-year-old daughter Tara declared (not asked) that she was postponing college to do a GAP year in Europe. She intended to work as an au pair in France in order to speak French, expand her horizons and have a culturally…
Making Room for the Broken Heart, Part 2: My Five Day Spiritual Journey
Making Room for the Broken Heart, Part 2: My Five-Day Spiritual Journey In my previous blog, I wrote about the value of creating time and space to heal. And just last week, I took my own recommendation to a new level by spending five (mostly)…
Embracing Your New Years’ Resolutions (beyond 24 days…)
One month from today marks the beginning of the infamous New Years’ resolutions – a day of the calendar when we commit to start anew with positive behaviors. If you’re like most of us, you set your goal with resolve, genuine determination and start out…